You likely love the idea that you can work remotely, but your home might simply not have enough room for an office, and your kids (or your spouse) won't give you enough peace to get anything done. For some freelance writers, the most feasible option is to rent a small office space so they have a place to work away from home. If the blaring television is bugging you, the dog won't be quiet, and you can't get in a good day's work because someone is always calling your name, follow these tips to find the perfect office as a freelance writer.
1. Find an office with a short-term lease.
Yes, it is great to be able to finally get your own office, but making a long-term leasing commitment can be a questionable move as a freelancer. Clients come and go, and income levels fluctuate, so it is usually best to go for an office that has a short-term lease instead of something that will have you locked in for a long time. It is far easier to renew every few months than to try to get out of a lease if something happens and you can no longer afford the cost.
2. Consider noise levels before you make a commitment.
The last thing you need is to gift yourself with a designated working space just to find out that it is no quieter than what you get right at home with the circus of family life surrounding you. Visit the office space for lease, spend some time there, and listen to what noise is happening around you.
3. Calculate additional expenses beyond just the lease.
Of course, leasing the office space will be the biggest expense, but there will be other expenses involved to be assumed. For example, a good internet connection is important, so make sure you check out the pricing for internet service to the office to make sure you don't get in over your budget just to obtain a place to work.
4. Measure your commute carefully.
You work remotely, and the beauty of that is that you can do work from anywhere. However, if you have to drive a long way from home just to get to your leased office, it can make the idea of having an office less desirable. When you're on tight deadlines, you won't have time to travel a long distance just to work when you could easily drive somewhere closer that's relatively quiet.