What Can You Do To Save Money When You're Moving?

Whenever you move from one place to another, it can be a very stressful time. Not only do you have to make sure you move everything in your life from one place to another, you have to spend money on supplies and new services in your new home. Here are a couple of things you can do to keep costs under control when you're going through a move.

Look For Places You Can Get Free Boxes

Boxes are an inescapable part of moving, and paying for them can get more expensive than you'd like. However, there are actually a number of places where they will give you packing boxes for free.

The first place you might be able to get packing boxes is your own job. Does your place of work use paper? If so, they are likely to receive delivery boxes on a regular basis. Talk to your office manager to determine if you can have some boxes to use for your move.

Another place you may score boxes for free is at your local grocery store. Deliveries are made several times a week and boxes are typically broken down for recycling or set out near the dumpster to be taken away. Talking to the store manager about when deliveries arrive and when the boxes are taken out can earn you more boxes for packing. This is also the case with any department stores in your area; if you ask, they may even set boxes aside for you before putting them outside.

Stop Services as Soon as You Can

If you are like many people who have to move, you might want to start up the new internet, phone service and cable service at your new home so that it's on when you move in. However, because of the way your current bill works, you may have to make payments on your current services before you move as well.

To address this problem, you might consider canceling your current services as soon as you can. You may miss a few television shows or not be able to update your social media profiles for a few days or weeks, but you'll be able to avoid paying for services in two places.

In addition to these tips, make sure you contact a number of moving companies in the area to get a moving estimate. You should be able to choose a company who can keep prices reasonable.
