Make Sure Your Leasing Office Creates A Great First Impression

When potential residents come to tour your apartment community, one of the first things they see is your leasing office. If the office does not give off a good first impression, those potential residents are likely to see your whole community in a more negative light – and be less likely to lease from you as a result. To ensure your leasing office gives off a great first impression, consider implementing some or all of these tactics:

Tidy Up

Yes, your leasing office is a place where a lot of business is dealt with, and that can create some messy paperwork. It's important, however, that potential residents never see a desk piled high with papers or a table with scattered paperwork strewn about. If you have several rooms in your leasing office, keep this sort of mess contained to one – and don't let visitors in there. If your leasing office is one open space… well, you're just going to have to do your best to keep it neat. Invest in a few more filing cabinets, digitize what you can so that you can shred most papers, and maintain a regular cleaning schedule so things don't get out of hand.

Spray a Welcoming Scent

Experts recommend spraying a welcoming scent when trying to sell a home, and you should do the same when trying to convince potential tenants to lease from you. The right scent will make visitors feel at ease and welcome, so they are more likely to want to move in. Some good scents to consider include vanilla and crème brulee. You can burn a scented candle instead of using a spray if you prefer.

Paint the Walls Blue or Green

The color of a room can influence a person's thoughts and feelings. The best color choices for your leasing office are blue and green. You can use one or the other, or a combination of both. Green promotes feelings of well-being and security, things people are looking to experience in an apartment. Blue is associated with loyalty, serenity, and protection – which are also good qualities to have in an apartment community. If painting your walls is not an option, try incorporating plenty of green or blue accents, such as drapes, rugs, and chairs.

With a tidy look, a welcoming scent, and the right color scheme, your leasing office will create a better first impression and inspire potential residents to sign a lease. If you feel like making these changes and managing your own property is too difficult, reach out to a company like Taylor Realty.
