If your growing family is tired of the extra costs and time associated with having to board your horses away from home, then buying a home that is horse-friendly will allow you to board them in your own backyard. As you can imagine, finding the right property to accommodate your family and your horses is a challenge, but it is one that can be successfully undertaken if you keep the following tips in mind:
Shop During the Busy Spring and Summer Buying Seasons
Since no one really wants to move during the rainy season, most homes are listed for sale in the spring and sold throughout the spring and fall seasons. Since this time of year brings with it the highest inventory time for horse properties, you should shop during the spring and summer for your new home. Shopping when the inventory is high will give you the most options and negotiating power when you make an offer.
Check the Local Zoning Laws and Local Homeowner's Association Rules
Even if the property you are interested in currently has horses or other livestock living on it, you should still check with the local town and county to determine what the zoning laws are for the property. In addition, if the property is within a homeowner's association, then you should check those rules as well. The last thing you want to do is buy property and find out that you cannot legally board your horses there or are not allowed to have any other types of livestock that you may have planned for the future.
Walk the Entire Property and Its Fences
It is always best to keep horses in fenced areas that do not contain barbed wire. Horses like to rub themselves against fencing, and barbed wire can cut your horse's skin. Before you make an offer on a horse-friendly property, first walk the entire property and its fences to check for hazards. You should also look at any pasture space and check that it has quality soil and good natural drainage.
For Additional Assistance
Finally, since your home purchase has special requirements, you should hire a real estate agent who is local to the area you wish to move to, and you should ensure that they either own their own horses or have in the past. By working with realty services with horse experience, they will be able to screen potential properties and discard those which are not suitable to meet the needs of your horses and lifestyle.